Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blythe, CA

5:00 (CA time) - just arrived at the Choat Equestrian Center.  The crew is unloading the horses and getting them settled in, fed and watered.  Wow, the wind the last 100 miles was crazy and it hasn't let up.  Glad no one blew away (showers are a must tonight with all of the sand in all different places).  It is putting a damper on my grilling plans though! We had an awesome day.  Stopped in Tucson, AZ for lunch with MariLynn and Ed Pedley (JoAnn's sister and her husband). We had a great visit and many thanks to them for treating us! We fueled up in Phoenix and Daryl's brother Russ and Roger and Arlene Wilkison (Carol's aunt and uncle) and their family, Mark, Julie, Jamey, Hannah, Caden and Scotty all stopped by to see us. That was too fun! We seen some ostriches and a whole lot of cacti. The first cactus was pretty cool, we almost had to pull over and take a picture. But then there were so many, it was like, whatever, another big huge cactus.  John and Joe both seen a roadrunner and the rest of us are still looking!
8:41- just got back from supper. Thanks Daryl, very yummy!  We broke through the sand drifts (yes, like MN snow drifts only sand!!) to get back.  Horses got blanketed and the wind is not letting up. No showers, but we are all laughing at how crazy this really is!





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