Friday, January 1, 2016

Rose Parade - Jan 1. Happy New Year!!

We're sitting in the bleachers, waiting for the parade to begin.  We're just so darn excited!!  When we arrived, we found out that our seats were right next to Roger and Vicki Deuschle and Denny Gerber and his friend Rosie. The view is beautiful and the sun is coming up behind us.  Gonna be a lovely morning for the parade!



  1. The Boys looked magnificent on TV! Watching the HGTV coverage; you got some nice air time!!

  2. Missed it unless they didnt it on the channel I was watching. Do you have a video?

  3. It made RFD TV, HGTV and Hallmark, but not NBC or ABC (boo!!). I've added a few videos, but have a few more to add. Hope you enjoy all the pics and videos so far!
